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April is almost here and many bloggers around the world are gearing up for the challenge.  Although it is not required, many will choose a special theme for this month long challenge.  Those of you who have been to my website before, know that outside of the short stories, haikus and flash fiction, my blog’s theme is history.  Although not always serious points in history, I do touch on some very important events that have shaped our world.  One such event that I often write about is the Second World War.  For me, it is near and dear to my heart as my father served in the US Navy during the war.  I have a separate blog dedicated to my father and his ship, the USS Hornet (CV-12).  I hope you’ll find time to visit that blog too.  There is a direct link on the left or a menu at the top of the page.  During the A to Z Challenge, my posts for each letter will appear on my home page and also as a link from my page dedicated directly to the challenge.  It can be accessed via the menu at the top of the page.  Be sure to come back during April to learn about Armed Forces Radio, the Gestapo, Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest, Women in the Armed Services and much much more.  Until then, please enjoy the famous music from the era (skip through to find your favorite.  Mine is The White Cliffs of Dover).


21 responses

  1. DianaDeGzz says:

    WWII is a great topic, can’t wait to read more!


  2. Prunzaye says:

    Hi Maryann,
    World War 2, I am looking forward to read your posts.
    A Poesy Discourse


  3. My father would love this topic – he’s a big WWII buff. Shame he’s not an online person really, maybe I shall have to educate him about blogs during April. Good luck with your posts, I look forward to reading them.
    Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)


  4. Arlee Bird says:

    This is a topic that never loses its fascination nor should it ever be forgotten. Good choice of A to Z Theme.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote


  5. jazzfeathers says:

    Fantastic! I find WWII is probably the most important event that shape the world how it is today, more than we realise. I’ll be checking on you, no doubt.

    I’m writing about history too ^_^


  6. Rhonda Albom says:

    Interesting, thought provoking theme. Quite opposite of the travel/photo theme I picked.


  7. Birgit says:

    I always enjoy your posts about WW2 as you are so informative and know your history well


  8. Sue Archer says:

    This is a fantastic idea for a theme. I love reading about history – I’m looking forward to your posts on WWII.


  9. Lisa says:

    Very interesting theme! I’ve always enjoyed learning about World War 2 ever since this school project I had in 7th grade where we had to follow one country throughout the war and document what they did. I look forward to reading your posts 🙂


  10. You are a glutton for punishment with this ambitious theme. I know it will be as fabulous as everything else you do. See you in April.


    • See you in April too. Looking forward to Chicago, a city I have visited. I have most of my ideas set (A through F actually written and schedule) but some letters will be difficult as they are for most.


  11. […] Do you know about the annual blogging event, Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  I participated for the first time last year and plan on joining in again this year.  This year my theme will be World War II so I hope you visit my blog in April when I bring you World War II from A to Z.  You will be able to access the posts from a page dedicated to the challenge and also revisit my posts from the 2014 challenge.  Here is my April A to Z reveal post. […]


  12. […] Today’s poem for the #NaPoWriMo is not my original work.  I present the White Cliffs of Dover which had been written by Walter Kent and Nat Burton and performed by Vera Lynn.  Truly a beautiful song. You can hear the song on YouTube but I also have it imbedded in my reveal post HERE […]
