Have you ever taken part in a writing chain?

Kerrie Salsac has created a novel writing challenge. Head over to her place to take a look.  You can see all the rules there too.


Here is my first submission for The Wall


Jadir kept running but tripped several times.  He didn’t know where to go and the forest was dense with only the moon to provide him with light.  Understandably, there were no torches on top of the wall as the light would attract unwanted wildlife such as the creature now chasing him.  Managing to outrun the Terror Bird, Jadir stopped to take a drink from a rambling brook.  The water was cool, so Jadir splashed some on his face.  Just as he cupped his hands to scoop more water, an Orthacanthus, an eel-like fresh-water shark snapped at his hand drawing blood.

Orthacanthus is an extinct genus of fresh-water shark from a family of prehistoric sharks known as Xenacanths. Members of the genus had a long spine growing from the back of their skull and a very long dorsal fin, which ran all along its back giving it an eel-like appearance.

Orthacanthus is an extinct genus of fresh-water shark from a family of prehistoric sharks known as Xenacanths. Members of the genus had a long spine growing from the back of their skull and a very long dorsal fin, which ran all along its back giving it an eel-like appearance.

15 responses

  1. Al says:

    Now I can see why the wall was there. I think he definitely would have been safer in bed lol


  2. EagleAye says:

    Yikers. Somebody else did some research as well. That’s a cool fish, although I’m hoping it’s not poisonous.If not, maybe it’s good eating?


  3. draliman says:

    This isn’t his lucky day is it? 😉


  4. kerrieanns says:

    I’m loving the research put into this story! These creatures are deadly!
