Have you ever taken part in a writing chain?

Kerrie Salsac has created a novel writing challenge. Head over to her place to take a look.  You can see all the rules there too.


Here is my third submission for He’s Behind You


An hour ago, Horatio smirked as he watched two employees fighting his creatures.   R&D occupied the top floor of Executive Campus I in the corporation’s two building campus.  As R&D Director, Horatio designed the creatures.  From his corner office, he watched Executive Campus II for signs of those fools and answered his cellphone.

“Wasn’t the fight with my creatures an amazing site?”


“Tony was uncooperative. After he saw the invoices, elimination was necessary.”


“I had no option.  Nothing can be permitted to stop us.”


Ending the call, Horatio grabbed his Sig Sauer and stepped onto the elevator.

8 responses

  1. EagleAye says:

    Ooh, he’s going after somebody, but who? I love the suspense in this. And now we know who created the creatures. Thanks for adding that in.


  2. Danny James says:

    Ohhhh.Who is on the other end of the line?



  3. J. Milburn says:

    Alright, another baddie! And a mystery about who exactly is on the other line… Excellent add-on!


  4. Al says:

    We have a Hornblower. Sorry, couldn’t resist (Horatio Hornblower) Or he will get them in a half Nelson hehe. Sorry again 😉

    Seriously though, I like that the R&D people are as evil as they normally are. Excellent


  5. draliman says:

    A baddie plus an unknown uber-baddie!
    I’m hoping Horatio gets ripped apart by his own creations.
