Last week when I wrote a poem about the friendship between a girl and her dog, I received so many wonderful comments and some of them suggested I continue the poem.  If you wish to read the first part, click here.

Copyright-Dawn Q. Landau

Copyright-Dawn Q. Landau

Life changes, first a spouse

Folks retire, sell you their house

Climb our tree and sit on a bough

Next comes babies, their turn now


Summertime, run and explore

Growing family and me at the shore

Beach fun, waves throw us back

Kids hide, found in the shack


Years later, I no longer climb

You and I friends for all time

Now the grandkids fill your life

Spouse in heaven, no longer a wife


My pet, my friend, my support

The years have gone, time is short

Lifelong companion gone from me

I honor you, a plaque on your tree



Submitted for Friday Fictioneers.  This is a fun writing prompt challenge.  Rochelle supplies a photograph to guide your writing and the word limit is 100.  Give it a try.


14 responses

  1. One of my s-i-l’s has a dog that’s getting quite old. I wonder what she’ll do when the dog dies. 😦



  2. Jim Kane says:

    A wonderful poem. Thanks for writing it.


  3. draliman says:

    A lovely poem of a complete life.


  4. Dear Mayann,

    A lifetime of rhyme. Nice.




  5. Linda Vernon says:

    I loved this, there’s a big story in that little poem.


  6. Great poem and I enjoyed reading it very much. Thanks! Nan
